Tuesday 21 July 2009

EOY stake for teacher's tree present

Joint effort with OH. Hoping the fabric pens will survive sun and rain!


Bristol based Artist Cath O'Leary held an inspiring exhibtion at the
Walcot Chapel, Bath about her train journeys. Beautiful colours and
textures. Worked wonderfully in rustic whote washed setting of the
church with it's lovely views. http://www.catholeary.co.uk

Veg patch

As does the veg patch! Just thinned out the cavolo nero so they get a
bit fatter. And the mint smells amazing inthe rain.

Pretty pink garden in the rain

Budhlia, hydrangea, honeysuckle. A garden up the road on our way home
from school looks lovely in the rain.

Sunday 19 July 2009

Summer is here!

Finally have managed to change our red rug and brown cushions. For
something a bit more summery. Made the cushion covers today from
organic cotton, and the bolster is a rolled up throw that a friend was
going to throw away... Here's hoping we do actually get some more

Monday 8 June 2009

Littlest one says...

(my lego man is) walkying-talkying.

Sunday 7 June 2009

bathroom inspiration

In the next six months we've got to renovate our bathroom. We want a modern, clean, simple feel with an element of salvageyness, but without the country cottage, or Victorian feel... hmm yes tricky. I just found this photo. Any ideas appreciated! ...